There and Back Again

I know this is a corny title for a blog post but seems appropriate to kick off a series of blogs from the land of the Long White Cloud and some locations for Lord of the Rings... yes folks, I'm talking about New Zealand... specifically the southern parts of the South Island... April is a great time to visit and experience the beautiful land which makes up the South Island... can't believe this was the first time visiting the region... we only really scratched the surface so there are many other places to explore on future trips...

Since this was primarily a photographic trip, the plan involved meeting a group of other photographers in Queenstown and a couple of days at the beginning and end to get between Queenstown and Christchurch with a chance to explore alone... Purple locations below were visited alone and Blue locations were with the group... lots of research online for a couple of key spots to visit and then flexible plans when chatting to locals
